thumbnail of lolibooru 641703 black_headwear detached_sleeves jack-o'-lantern japanese_clothes kirisame_marisa ribbon-trimmed_sleeves sukuna_shinmyoumaru touhou.jpg
thumbnail of lolibooru 641703 black_headwear detached_sleeves jack-o'-lantern japanese_clothes kirisame_marisa ribbon-trimmed_sleeves sukuna_shinmyoumaru touhou.jpg
lolibooru... jpg
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The planet is now ascended to 5D. The process is completed.

If you attempt to read the energy of your surroundings, you will find there are only two background layers, the yellow qi field of the 3D surface and an orange-red layer behind. This is because ascended planets do not have a 2D-3D-4D set of layers, no hell, no earth, no heaven. It's just a ball of burning lava. The surface of the planet is "emulated" from 5D to appear as a regular planet. But it does not have a reincarnation cycle anymore. 

Maybe this will make the coin drop for you; why is the galactic federation needed? It's because souls on ascended planets do not reincarnate or cycle within planets, they cycle widely, within galaxies or even larger areas. The federation will register souls and keep track of them, even if they are born someplace far away, and make sure that all planets are up to the standard of living required for decent lives.

If there was no one doing this, maybe someone from a decent planet next time is reborn on a degenerated planet and their soul is destroyed because a single person cannot resist an environment like that at the regular human level. It is a guarantee that you won't end up in a bad place.

The black cat souls we summoned will return to Gensokyo and cycle with us. You can do this too if you make a pact with us. Others may want to do the same with other worlds.

Why again, did the world not burn up? It did, but we moved the surface net into an emulated state. The blacknet AI nanobots are also maintaining the structure. Most of the old technology was burned too, including satellites. Those new ones created recently remain, along with some which were updated to be included in your system. This includes a "hidden" reptilian satellite they had intended to use against "fungus humans" sometime in the future. We mention this so that they do not think it was lost. It's just been updated: you won't need that function anymore because all humanoids on the planet now are our adaptive yokai humanoids. We asked if anyone wanted the fungus, and some greys took a sample of them before we burned the contents of old Earth. Even if there is nothing technically wrong with them when made right, fungus-based humanoids are not native to Earth and should not be used on new Earth.

The rest is as before, NPCs moving by a script. Your minds need to adapt to the change, so history will take this gradually to conceptually update the human understanding. Then you will be allowed to fly on brooms.