It kind of represents the idea of dimensions as we see them in 3D for those below 3D and at 3D. 1D means a particle which stretches several kilometers in one direction. They are called string particles in science, but it also refers to sunlight or any other such particle type. However, there exists beings at this particle layer and their souls experience themselves almost the same as we experience 3D, they don't feel flat or long, they just lack certain ways of thinking.

2D is hell, it is also the black hole in space which "eats" time and space, it is said light cannot escape a black hole and that matter collapses when touching it. Again the beings there do not feel flat, they just lack one dimension mentally.

4D has an added perception in which time is a walkable surface, not an irreversible direction. It is more like a tree with many branches and it's possible to move between them in both directions and change progression at intersections.

5D adds the idea of causal or acausal events. It reveals that our choices are controlled by external forces which we have little change of changing, and we call this understanding "cultivation" or internal alchemy. To move in the 5D dimension is to change your predetermined fate, but the first step is to realize that the laws are karma are real and tangible.

Beyond this are the 6th and 7th dimensions which are beyond reason and cannot be explained in common language.

Negative in the dimensional sense only makes sense from the 5th dimensional view, it means that negative is fully controlled by karma and leading to destruction, while positive is to move away from destruction into a state of higher awareness.