Funny thing about flying...
Now I have several bodies that can fly by default. The hard part is "merging". In my dreams I was able to fly by default and now I know how I could fly IRL but also feeling my parts that "doesn't want to fly". Like the parts of me that would shit themselves because OH SHIT AAAAAAHHHH AM GONNA FALL HOW AM I FLYING kinda thing. I read somewhere when you get a clean throat chakra you will be able to do "yoga in your dreams". First I was like wtf why is that "great". Now I kinda understand. As my bodies merge I can feel in my dreams why I am unable to "fly". The parts of me that did not have a circulation and those that I ignored while in dreams can come into my dream because they reached a sort of "sentience level" with me.
Interesting. The broom you put there works differently how I interpreted the witchbrooms working. Not to mention that I sorta want the full body mode anyway because I am no "ordinary magician". Witches and ceremonial magicians are too dependent on tools. Tho  the first realizations I had to make that "my way" needs an extremely subtle understanding of reality because I need to be naked while meditation otherwise the clothes block the energy flow and I need a proper understanding before I can bypass useless textures on my body... Not to mention my heat flows changing while I get worked up and I either sweat or my limbs go cold if I am not pacing myself. It's not like I thought it would be easy but still... Not to mention it's not even hard I just need to let my mind take in what I learned already long ago... on a distant land... 

Also the fact that the plastic and rubber coating is not really shielding electricity from the biomagnetic turbulence we can make while going out of control. I am not saying technology is incompatible with magic but carefulness is needed. But then again this is maybe a "me problem" because I used my psychic powers for technomancy so if you were not the kind of kid that "willed the machine" to work and have machinist entities around you then maybe this will not affect you.