> the "very low levels".

There is a problem here that I am also researching now for a while.

I am also "seeing" them but how to say this.

There are toxic relationships and there is a way to make a "codependent toxic relationship". It's a sort of sadist masochist kind of relationship that ruins everyone within it. And that is on a society level on the west. The "trick" is just to poke it a little because these "toxic co-dependences" just fall over on their own... that is what I thought but with "human (mal)adaptability" it can be sorta circumvented and recreate the "toxic codependence" with new terms. We see it within the medical industry. Food causes a disease? Take meds that suppress symptoms then meds make side effects that need other meds and did you die? No problem money goes to your kids who learned your habits and will fall into the same trap and because your disease is a "civilization disease" everyone around you has that.
Oh and because of these retardations the "professionals" in the medical industry just enable the slow death of others not curing anyone just making more patients causing more and more work for themselves and every product we have just decreases the quality and willingness of people that want to become proper doctors. They see how bad everything is so they just want to get rich and get out of the field asap because there is "no hope" in "healing". Those who "believe" are either blind naive fools or just mere cogs in a falling apart machinery.

I loved that UN statistic that "accidentally" made the statistics look like that the "happiest countries" are those that consume the most anti depressants.

> believe that "shaming" is the problem
I love the fact that shaming is the one thing leftist cry about the most while their only weapon is shaming and peer pressure. 

It's not that I won't "look at it" it's just I know I don't have the time and patience to save (all of) them. There are ways you can awaken some and in the end everyone will awake but...

They usually wishwash spiritual practices and with that undermine their true meaning and even use it for marketing purposes (If I catch any ad doing that they get cursed by default) but the thing is that some somehow can subconsciously realize the meaning... It's just... It turns out that those that can find the pearls that were trampled into the shit already are usually those that awakened before either without noticing it or in their long past life journeys so they have an "eye" for these things. Those who are completely blind are harder to "fix" because we just need to "open our eyes" while some of them seems like they don't even have eyes somehow? Is that even possible?
The answer is way too complicated as usual... And I had to realize that I have to take 1 step at a time because this is a long journey. It's just I must not forget to walk it... but I am starting to see it is almost impossible for me to be unable to walk it.
I just have to decide how much people I want to bring along.

Also the thing that is making me angry that the "failed communism" that was "never tried before" we had on earth in the last century ruined these concepts on a fundamental level and it is hard to accept that finally someone will make it not into that failure.

While communism is supposed to be about meritocracy and the people and advancements in general it boils into a new type of nepotism distrust back stabbing and a general bleakness towards life. Especially their sort of "anti-elitism" which actually backfired on the soviets so hard because whenever there were no strong armed people on board the whole thing fell apart.

TLDR.: My whole gripe is that I don't want to repeat the same mistakes they did before