> There is no "failed" communism
Yeah I know real communism was "never tried before" I wanted to write that too but saying it with not a negative tone with text is hard. Especially I unblocked a set on energy blocks that were like zippers and it booted up my channeling skills on an another level and now I had to figure out the next circuits that is supposed to handle the energy overflow. My ways of expression went hazy.

> WILL DIE, no exception
you just talked about reincarnation of people and how the first wave of commies will die no matter what... planets also do that... remake themselves and reincarnate or get merged into an another timeline. I know you are aware of this but yeah... understanding what "death" means can be difficult as we move on.

> 1000s of galaxies with countless planets
Yeah I know I just got the star map yesterday and the explanation WHAT COMMUNISM ACTUALLY MEANS ON THAT BIG PICTURE. I sure love understanding things only on pre-intuitive level. That is the level when an artist has an urge to draw something but he has no idea how it looks like or is there even a pen that can even draw it because there is no image in his head yet but a hunch and he needs to do a bunch of weird shit to figure out a "feeling" that will help express it. 

> Mao killed 80 million Chinese in the process
That was a true mess and it had to happen. I had to talk with many entities governing that region and there was an extreme need for a power to arise that can stand up the "west" and by west I mean the British opium trader mentality. Buy resources and sell drugs and kill/steal the entire culture in the process. It was to prevent an absolutely corrupted timeline because that was the age when the "west" started to dabble in "spiritism" and they wanted to exploit Asia fully and that gave a rise to the worst kind of brainwashing and "devil worshiping" cults. I say devil as a simplification because the entities that rule over those cults are something else. And if this "molochian" mentality had a chance to merge with that "way of thinking" then the end times is not exactly the worst thing that would have happened. Imagine a small cult that are controlling villages with magic to breed spiritually sensitive humans for the sake that the higher spiritual masters can be possessed by a greater force and ritually devouring them at full moon had a way to reliably get western funding because they have the power to offer you godhood or mandates of many heavens and hells for the proper price. And ofc only the not thinking not asking questions retarded commie drone mentality can purge those because those that have spiritual properties get devoured. And those who are truly diligent on their path can evade commies but evading these people is only possible if you find a counter/safety haven sect in time. China would have turned into a spiritual mad max hellworld scenario because
literally what you wrote here.
The west have no "proper" way of countering the beast once it's well fed. But ofc these shady cults have a local range and they are on minimal sustenance levels because there are so many things you can do without money. Not to mention the Brits wanted to Balkanize that place to the max so everyone is dependent on their "governance".