> Can share details if anyone cares
I do especially because I was literally called

> child of the eternal natural forcefield of crimson gloryus revolution 
and I can access this shield god/tech with 0 effort? It's really easy to tune and talk to.
Not to mention multiple pointless energies are being defunced/redirected on a mass scale in the last weeks so I don't know what else is going on atm

Not to mention 
> We are thankful someone noticed their value (we may not share the details more than so).
After reading this I realized some deeper truth and had to look into it because it is something I should have figured out but was not able to even dare to comprehend this level of atrocity against life itself. Ffs I knew something bad was going on in China when the ruling deities just slapped their "mandate of heaven" on Mao and said "do your worst it can only improve things"