> In this sign, you will conquer

Wealth riches glory all of them are the "solar chakra" that is the bejeweled city or the temple. Wealth is important in spirituality because if we don't feel "wealthy" then our animalistic survival instincts take over but in wealth they are sated and let the "deus ex machina" do whatever it pleases. Abundance is needed so the body doesn't feel the need to obstruct the spirit's cultivation.

Every feeling desire we have relaxes and contracts the muscles and energy circuits in a subtle or in a hard way and when we feel hungry or impoverished which translates into insecurity which threatens our survival then the higher energies will fuel our lower energies to survive. 
Fear paranoia gluttony greed all of them signal to the animal that even tho it's existence is secured for today tomorrow it might not be the case so you need more and more and more of the "material" and create an endless loop because you forgot what "enough" means. This is why temperance is needed to understand how to get the necessity abundance that makes the body and spirit at ease so you are able to focus on the higher states instead of looking into the dirt for the shiny all the time. Gnomes are good at that but they are in a weird state of fascination and fear since humans went into industrialization. Even the dwarfs asked me to help them open some caves so they can access the treasures.

It's important to understand on the path how wealth flows. True monks and Brahmins were not allowed to own anything and were commanded to never put money away after the day ends. Either spend it on food or give it to others. This was because they had to understand how money/wealth is not just temporary but it is everywhere and all they need to "ask" because they have "everything" already.

The way the wealth flows can be truly complicated because it is not just the money but overall energies which moves every living and unliving but once someone has wealth that he is not hoarding for hoarding's sake but reinvests it can get the foundation for the "kingdom of God".

It's still kinda interesting that you are getting the vision of Constantin. Wonder why that is.

Shame he will never upload more vids. At least we got a  new Garfield movie