> how you created gong from this exercise
Probably in the right direction.

I think it's that most people don't grasp just how much focus, strain and pain has to go into these exercises before they give results, that's why they won't get results. They mindlessly try a few times, feel nothing and conclude "it doesn't work".

An event from when I was 19 or so comes to mind. I tried working at a woodwork shop for 3 days (horrible experience, but a good reality check as will be shown) and the first thing I learned was that they didn't actually do much manual woodwork, they just put a program into a CNC machine and fed materials into it, hardly creative.

I was told to put glue on some board the size of a table using a brush. I had just started when the guy came back and asked if I was done. He then grabbed the brush and the glue and just threw it out over the board in large blobs, then used the brush to sloppily grind it out. Very fast, but left the glue very uneven. Apparently that didn't matter, but I didn't know that, I had only glued things where care was needed to get it evenly on, and no one demanded it be done fast.

But I learned from this that things turn out very different when you do put them to the test. For some this will be a redundant statement, but for many zoomers who've never touched anything beyond a touch screen, it's probably 100x worse. 

Creating gong requires work, and reaching higher breakthroughs is horribly straining and painful. It's the same yogic exercises, but the way of using them is on another scale.

I did read once some woman opened her kundalini by doing exercises and edging herself for a month to build up energy, then finally pulling up the spine. Her back cramped up and she could barely get out of bed for a week after, and full mobility to 2 months to regain, but after that it was open. 

Just an example, the stuff I've used and done is worse than that.

But once you're through, it works. Hopefully the methods I've shared will be able to lead someone to complete similar thing later. I treat them all as mostly initiations.