> I think it's that most people don't grasp just how much focus, strain and pain has to go into these exercises before they give results, that's why they won't get results. 
Yeah Simha Kriya was the first breathing exercise I picked up when you shared it and it took me around 3 to 4 months until I only started to notice that energy sensation. And I still can't do it right every time yet.
> They mindlessly try a few times, feel nothing and conclude "it doesn't work".
This shamefully reminds me of when you sent me the silent hill nurse spirit and I gave her back instead of putting in the proper effort and making it work. I hope she's fine.
> some woman opened her kundalini by doing exercises and edging herself
At least she can't have blue balls like a male. That's probably an advantage. For a guy it could be horrible. Altought I'm not the most learned on this particular subject.