> Do you know of any other occult books that focus on practical exercises rather than just theory
This is what I use for yoga:
> Classic text describing how to practice Hatha yoga (36 pages).
Almost all the daily exercises I do since about one year are taken from this ebook.

> the phenomenon you described with the tension and tingling that comes with the breath holding exercise just sounds like a biological phenomenon to me.
> The feeling of an orgasm as great and "different" as it feels in comparison to regular existence is still just a biological phenomenon.
I think you are looking at this wrongly. No one is claiming these aren't biological. Anything you experience with your body has to be physical and biological. This part isn't the relevant part. I've used this example: you can say that a painting is just canvas with pigment and oil, and that a book is just wood fibre and ink, but the message can still create in your mind immense effects. Don't stare at the material used as a medium. The body is the medium in yoga and esoteric practices. There will be changes to it as you work on it, but the real effect is in what it represents.

If you believe this so have an effect or not, beyond any currently held concept of physical reality, is also of little importance once you do experience a "silent orgasm" from simply doing a yoga pose. It will have the obsessive effect of drugs, without any drug intake, and you will be motivated to continue the practice.

I had no specific expectation from yoga when I started, I used a sports yoga book with a program for weight lifters. But after around 1,5 years where I trained daily for about 1 to 1,5 hours I suddenly experienced the mental image of Shiva appearing to me. I lay on my back to relax while this happened and let him speak to me. He encouraged me to keep training and explained some things to me. 

You can understand this any way you want, but if you experience something like this, it will motivate you.