> 2. I don't think so because the phenomena described is very specific and significant. You should feel the heat increasing for example and it should happen "in that moment" and not "25 minutes into the exercise". You'll know if you are doing it wrong or right based on the description.
You still need to put work in before you get the immediate vivid sensations that you're going for. This is the entire point of energetic visualization exercises, to increase your ability to perceive and evoke these sensations. In IIH Bardon makes it very clear that at the beginning you're going to be working entirely in the imagination; vivid perception indistinguishable from the physical is just the sign that you've mastered the exercise. Evoking physical phenomena that would move a thermometer or change your measurable weight is something that requires a great deal of practice beyond that. IIH is a good regimen but if you go into it with the mentality that you're just going to ignore purely astral phenomena and only treat physical phenomena as a 'success' you're going to be very frustrated. It's like wanting to be a powerlifter but being unwilling to start with light weights.