> Someone holding a gun to your head is not a placebo
The fear you feel from a gun is not a placebo? If you never have seen a gun in your life would you fear it if someone put it to your head? 
The reason why I asked the "vaxx" because either if you got it or not it was psychological. It was a mass psychosis event that thx to the media overload we managed to pretend it "never happened" already.
> Don't think that people were just getting it because they believed the media.
Oh don't worry I only have respect towards people if they were gullible fools. If you "got it" because you not just appealed to false authority but didn't even have the intelligence to find a way to fake it or go against authority you are a slave a minion to the system and if you are on that level than I have no way giving you any advice. This is why I asked. Those who fail to societal pressure have a heavy programming within themselves they have hard time to break.

> "it won't work because of your mindset"
I NEVER FUCKING SAID IT WON'T WORK I SAID YOU WILL HAVE A HARD TIME BREAKING THAT. I am not saying this from cult mentality I am saying this because I am practicing psychic abilities for decades. 
> sounds like gas lighting
This fucking word "gas lighting" this is like "strawmanning" got into the 4chan dictionary. Back then everything was a strawman. also did you ever hear the saying 
> fake it til you make it

> who is practicing absolute garbage by a fake author
Please enlighten me what is a "fake author" because the most mainstream book the BIBLE was translated so many times the original meanings got lost multiple times and even if you talk to the "real author" there is a chance you misunderstand what he is saying. And yes my mindset is dangerous because IT IS WORKING. And it can cause changes in reality. If a gun never killed a person it is even working? Do we need to kill a person with a gun to see if it is working? This is the danger with awakening psychic abilities. You only understand how serious are the forces that you playing with when you accidentally cause a catastrophe with it. You will understand what "working" means.

> not considering that what they are trying to do isn't even possible
You might not realize but magic is more "possible" than the current level of technology and civilization we have nowadays. We literally enslaved and turned many people into "cogs" so they can maintain this "society". We are not at the "civilization" level anymore which is about having a shelter from the dangers of the wilderness this is a "society". Attaining this is harder than attaining magic because magic is possible by being alone for an extended amount of time and listening to yourself and finding the inner voice in the process while for this "society" you need centuries of work education and development and we are too BUSY nowadays to "contemplate". You have no idea how important contemplation is on the path.

> My mindset is, something either works or it doesn't
You are not a problem solver it seems. You expect things to "work by default". Do you know what problemsolvers do? They see a thing that is NOT WORKING figure out WHY IT IS NOT WORKING then MAKE IT WORK. They made the thing that was broken into a functioning thing. Do you have any idea how broken people are nowadays? And how the "cure" is a bunch of "meds" to psychological problems that could be fixed with some counseling? 90% of "magic" is psychology. Do you think you can become a psychic without having a basic grasp on psychology? While inventors make things that never worked into something that works. Do you know what hermeticists call the "Path". They call it the GREAT WORK.