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thumbnail of Socrates training.png
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> I want to point out that in the end, their methods do work
Yeah I know and they weren't the "first" to come up with this "idea" it's just it creates a false spiritual development and as the eastern deities explained it "whores out spirituality". They always had a fight against evil cults and using the materialist perspective to reinforce to worst parts of spirituality is a crime against existence itself. You could call it the late stage capitalist mentality in spirituality. Quick gains for the detriment of long term development.
> They just have this problem of trying to be loyal dogs to the point they submit to the vilest oppressors
They were made that way like women who were turned into masochists during rape their psyche needs a cruel master like that because a person without cruelty is "weak" and "he cannot be a master". And defying your master is worse than death and hell itself. The problem ofc is that the masters are usually not that powerful but to these people he is something beyond a parent and something towards a god even tho they don't believe in god for some weird reason.

> never intended to develop any special abilities from my practice
To me it was like the "Next step of evolution". If psychic powers were real don't you want them. If you have psychic potential don't you want to tap into it? It was like pic related but the power of the mind. Mind over matter. When I realized it is like a "hidden talent tree in the mind" and I just need to allocate my skillpoints like you can with every skill on earth I thought why not. What else is "greater" in life than this. Why wouldn't I want to see it. What other power have any meaning if this is "real".
> and changing the world is irrelevant
I was always about "changing the world". What I want to "make from this life" if "I could do anything"... then "I would make a world where I could walk my path and find ways where others can walk with me". I had so many dreams where I walked through many regions and it always started with people walking along with me then they died then I was alone and I always had the "this is always how it is" feeling but then again I found an another group that were "on my level" again and went forward. I really like the journey type of paths and I had to realize how I walked those through many lives. But it is nowadays that I had to realize the
> changing the world is irrelevant
but with the addition of 
> if you don't know what you are doing 
so I have to understand how I affect the world and how the world affects me and how some "evils" need to run their course. But I live here and I have a right to live so those who are against it then maybe they want to lose those rights? It's kinda crazy how many people want to "die" because they died long ago and they just want someone that finishes them off.

> one can effect the other, there is no such thing as one-way communication, it's always two-way.

> they just can't keep their fat fingers out of my mind.
It's so funny when I am trying to figure out if I am fighting my own issues within and try to decide when it is literally about "hurting myself" and the entities let me to figure out my shadows until I get so lost I ask for some guidance then... suddenly... some retarded group attacks. NO NEED TO HOLD BACK THEN. Then as the attackers are being dealt I can feel which parts "sync" as I have finally a "common enemy" and which were those that "never belonged to me". Also yeah a cleaner energy field a better world and people are less pestered by the "common demons" because someone just dealt with 90% of them as a stress relief exercise.