> enlightenment is a thing of the mind and spirit
And forgot to add that yes via enlightenment you can unlock every ability and understand all the desires you have and had and finally can decide your "own path" while chasing psychic abilities for retarded reasons is literally knocking on a door that is just Not there.

And thanks to the dumbed down mainstream spirituality and thanks to the hostile energies industrial society is generating in the last 2 centuries it boils down to 
> open your mind to get fucked more easily 
then some people go mad because of it and they conclude spirituality leads towards psychosis therefore it is bad therefore it should be discouraged and we should be content with the bleak life that the government gave us or something. I have no idea how NPCs are capable of operating like this by default even tho I understand their mental patterns too well nowadays

 Also I wanted to write down to OP how he can cleanse his "environment" and realize the energies that fuel his imagination and thoughts is already energy but it is "felt" differently and they just interact with his memories/thoughts and energies he generates and once he understands the nature of his thoughts and how inner energies and "outsider energies" are the "same" but in differing quality and all that is happening is the way it gets recycled into his energy field and how he experiences that but then as I scanned his mentality and figured the way how to explain it I realized it makes me too fucking angry because it is like talking to 90% of the "Modern world" and I am still unable to remain calm and "convince" only the meaningful parts because he just falls back to some midwit nonsense mentality he attached his mind towards. Why do people like him even want to get into magic. Get into finance or technology with this shallow thinking I swear.