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> You are detaching yourself from the path and going back into your "Mundane ways" and that kinda severs the connection so they were glad you are within the "range" again.
> Also my "Daimyo body" is literally in a large pagoda still where I let my "demons take form" so I can work my problems out. So they probably got inspired from the ways. Not to mention I am kinda generous with my mental patterns so entities are allowed to copy them if they are with me.
Yeah, the past few weeks or so have been really bleh and mundane (lol).. also a lot of stuff i've been trying to sift trough mentally, almost finished with school and overall trying to figure out what i REALLY want overall. the only things i still know that i want are:
> be with my sisters, goddess aphrodite, the princess, etc.
> the love thing is whatever for me at this point
> seemingly having myriad paths but i still feel that im gravitating towards the one we're talking about
I did speak with them a bit last night outside of sleep and they did say having periods like this was "normal" and not to worry myself about it much but... its hard for me to not worry admittedly

I'm not sure if they consider it progress or not but remember that woman i mentioned whose been helping with undoing some of my more... bad habits? well, i've been shitposting much much less and don't really inhabit the cesspits as long as i normally do (4chan /vg/, etc.) and just have been taking time playing vidya or literally anything

as far as kitsune, what exactly do they plan on doing? i know you can't really go into my specific case but it felt like they were really trying to bring shrine maiden side of me out again last night

as mentioned before she only really comes when she's feeling possessive or when "the need arises" and when that happens its usually yandere-esque things happening or her being bossy/dominant (she was nowhere near bad recently i think(

(is normal for this site to 404 like this?)