> I don't want to imagine what kind of virgin chad memes they are drawing with their superior NEET powers
I have a drive (and ability) to dig all the way in to see the origin of things, or to climb all the way to the top of structures. Sometimes it's also a bit surprising, slightly scary and amazing how small the internet is. And how the world of normalfaggots aka normies out there is like a thin layer covering the things behind, but still yet almost impenetrable.

When I was researching nordic satanism back in 2018 it took me around 6 month on Discord to reach the people who personally knew (about) the people I was interested in, but also to dispel the mystery enough that I didn't need to look further. And I still started with just some web searches leading to forum posts from the 00s.

This latest thing with trying to find the truth about "pizzagate" and the DUMBs which the Queen hinted at lead to both huge discoveries as well as a very shallow one. I don't know if it's true, but I have a growing suspicion that it actually is, that the organizer of a "huge online pedo network" whose members were raided by police last year is a (by nickname) known person casually mentioned on imageboards that are just one level above this one... You don't have to be fucking Sherlock Holmes to find these things apparently, but normalfags can't do it even if they have entire teams and get paid. Which of course relates to the people paying them not wanting them to find it. Meh.