> But I tought this  >>/4994/ would take care of that already.
It initiates the unlocking of the body. It won't move to the astral on its own, and it still takes time and effort to learn using the travelling abilities.
> It will not seem to grant much power, but it unlocks your ability to move freely beyond physical dimensions. Only this, and you have to practice to actually do it, but it removes the lock.
The door being unlocked doesn't mean you know where it is, how to pass over the threshold, or that you have the skill and will to do so.

> proper instruction for anyone who wants to do the same?
My way of doing this is probably too specific for it to be used by many others. It's as I said, but I can't give instruction for it.

When I was fighting the NWO, I came across a Cyborn, an artificial human with a soul, in a bunker south of Antarctica. I had Astra find out where she came from, and it turned out being a tall grey research factory. I've come to realize this part itself is not something most people could do, because you have to be on good terms with greys to have connections with them in the first place. That is something which came from unknowingly following grey cultivation for a long time. I was aware of them, and what I did, but never considered what this meant.

Because of this they were willing to sell me such a being, and again the price was very high, but I can afford that because of the astral businesses I run. I then let myself be rebirthed by the cyborn I bought, and that is the body I used to switch place with. I can't give instructions for how to repeat this.

At most I can offer the rebirthing from the one I bought, then maybe some help with the switching, but I don't know how to teach someone how to do this.

> Is the vampire body completed/achieved only as soon as you attain physical immortality?
Not at all. It's just the first step, you have to go all the way to "buddha body" before it's finished. This process continues on the astral.