thumbnail of Odin on public transport.jpg
thumbnail of Odin on public transport.jpg
Odin on... jpg
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> He hung himself by the leg.
> by the leg
I was not aware of the leg. I mean the hanged man tarot also had times when they were unable to decide which way he got hanged.

> Odin turned out being the egregore of norse religion
Yeah it's complicated because Odin had more than 200 names as he "went around" and I don't know which was the original or the channeling/possessions and the more I learn about it from different entities the less sure I get. Especially because the world tree was in our culture also that our own special kind of shamans used as an entry point so I am not exactly accessing it the same way as other pagans. "Odin" is supposed to have a "true name" but if I look into that then I might get more mysteries on my plate that I am in a mood of looking into. Learning about the hyperborean magic/technology was too much already.
> I was there and saw it happen
Wha? Didn't it just summon a part of Odin and it attached to someone or something? 
> all this time the religion had not been finished
Yeah it was not really supposed to reach "religion level". Hard to explain the reasons because first we would need to talk about what "is" a religion on the big picture.
> the horse with 8 legs
I just interpreted that horse that it is a multidimensional being like the hindu gods with many hands and because of that it can carry Odin through worlds.
> Horrible is Odin himself
He was called many things for sure 
> So he hung himself from his own horse?? And his horse is the tree of life?
Both are interdimensional beings and ways to transport between dimensions so why not. Do we even know how he got that horse?
> He did this to gain wisdom
When I asked the entities about this thing how mythologies are full of slaying beings that guard things and bloody sacrifices and how I just kinda found things and some beings just gave it to me and isn't that "bad"? Don't I need to start heroic murderslaying to look "worthy"? 
Then they explained how befriending beings is more beneficial overall because once those beings get "killed for real" then someone or something needs to "replace them" oooooorrr the things that those beings kinda shield us will kinda invade the realms and fuck things up until a new balance arises. That was the moment when I realized the importance of spirit ecologies and not the AM JUST LIKE THE MYTHICAL HERO DOOD PUNCHIN DRAGONS AND GIANTS WOOOHOOOO... I mean there were parts when that was the case but it's not like a JRPG where you need to kill 7 billion dragons to reach the next level. Also most entities are willing to share their wisdom vision energies after it's clear that you are not a retarded faggot. But then again my country had a foundation ritual where the chieftain shaman literally sacrificed himself ritualistically so he can do his "part" from the spirit world and he founded bloodline that produced kings for 300+ years so my perspective on this might differ from Vikangz and Celts and other l@rpagans.