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thumbnail of hyperdimension neptunia.jpg
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> Didn't it just summon a part of Odin and it attached to someone or something?
No. The experience was pretty tame, but it was done right, apparently. Using symbolic herbs and the leaves of the tree which in local language carries the name of the first human in norse myth. Burning them in a fire lit under an old pine tree while people from all over the country had gathered. It had the exact right symbolism along with the detachment from all extra meaning which would have been brought on by belief of any kind. Because I'm sure no one there actually believed anything in particular, except for me and the person doing the burning, who only had some vague belief in "entities". This sharp ambiguity is what made it work. I saw a small astral whirlwind, and a serene feeling, and that was all. 

Some time later, I saw a boy with a horned helmet. The Queen said this is Odin, who is now real, with individuality. Before this it was an egregore of belief, and not a real entity. 

Something like this happened with Neptune/Yaweh as well, although that process was more harsh. Angels defeated their oppressor and (this story has been told) a Sunflower associate received the remains in a bowl, where he sat for around a year. Then it broke or something, I don't remember. Even later I looked in my emote folder and the image of Neptune from the mobile game was in there, and I saw the image fly up through the air, out from the screen. 

This was the only positive image of Yaweh, so it became the real form of Yaweh, and it appears to not be a normal being, it's a kind of hive. Whoever wants can get a shard which is incorporated with you, like how kundalini seems to connect you do a dimension with snakes, where you adopt one.