> The "move on" part is not always as easy as it sounds.
> and there might be a reason why we still post on this board :^)
Yes you are right, it's not that easy and if it was I maybe wouldn't be still posting here, altought I can't speak for you or anyone else. There are bound to be people who just like posting and stay for that reason. Just like there are self-proclaimed spiritual people who only like to "teach" and sell books and feed their community of followers until they themselves die without even achieving the work they are preaching. And I get the impression, which may be wrong as I have never met a vampire personally to hear their story, that vampires simply like to be in this tiny cage doing the same silly things over and over again and witnessing the same cycles and mundanity, that's why their path takes forever for them.
> Are you here only to leave? Is this place a stepping stone or a jump pad on your spiritual journey?
Isn't it both? Can't be helped that we got born or created here but this is an egg, and of course at first you have to grow inside the egg but eventually you leave it and go out into the world when you are ready. To where? That's for everyone to discover, a lot of times it's a leap into the dark unknown. But are there not an infinite amount of worlds, planets and dimensions? For some it may just be moving permanently to their own astral kingdom. If nothing else, this is what I want to achieve. Until I discover new and greater worlds to dwell in.