> Can't be helped that we got born or created here but this is an egg
Yeah but how did you "get into that egg" or why?
I am not trying to be an ass here but understanding our "origin energy/intention" will be important because even on the big picture you might be just going in circles without noticing for eons. What made the "fool" seek out the journey what was the fool before he was the fool. Was he always a fool or he was someone else that realized it's time to "start over". The same cycles can go on forever beyond earth too and earth has some special significance that might not be apparent until you leave. Don't ask me what that is it is real complicated and I am still not sure how to explain.

> For some it may just be moving permanently to their own astral kingdom
Watch out because that "permanence" can be a prison too. If you can "break" that permanence is it really permanence? Will you be fulfilled with that same place forever and ever? Will it be permanent when everything vanishes?

> Until I discover new and greater worlds to dwell in.
Then "permanence" is a curse.

But yeah you will have to see these yourself and understand what these things mean.

I am not saying these questions to pick a fight I just said these because I had to realize I don't have the answer to them yet.

When I concluded some year ago that the greatest "feat" that can be achieved is to "rule over a heavenly realm" then a spirit appeared and said:
> There are many heavenly realms without a ruler do you wish to rule over some?
Then I realized that is still not my "desire" because if it's "that easy" then it might be just an another illusion in this world of illusions or worse... it might be the "real thing" and without knowing why "heaven is heaven" you turn it into your personal hell. There is a reason why we call "Arhat" the false heaven but a necessary checkpoint on the path.

> lot of times it's a leap into the dark unknown
Yes and sometimes it's the opposite how it looks like. The dark unknown might be better than the false light. But why do we fear the unknown. What made us fear it. My curiosity always made me dwell into it but sometimes my instincts cried to not go there... But I did and had to realize why they cried so much. Something ended and something began. 

> who only like to "teach"
Yeah it's always hard to find real masters especially within the flesh

> Can't be helped that we got born or created here but this is an egg
Yeah I too had to realize how the "flesh body" is just a "second womb" but breaking the egg too early or too late kills the chick within and we are mammals. We operate differently even tho the principles the same.

This is a hard topic because we are all kinda working out how the "shell" works and every occultist have a different idea how it works and how that gives us life and death. Hard to get into specifics.

> Sorry for off-topic (?) rant
Don't worry I too had seen the world that way for decades and there are parts that still that way. Changes had to be made but I am still doing my changes "locally" and distant places "need time"

> Maybe this is a death-period we have to go through to emerge with more life, love and beauty again
> In that case it would indeed be good to make it through and witness it to come forth as a "legend".
We will see.
How is the saying again? 
> those who are within the mythos no explanation is necessary and those who outside the mythos no explanation is enough

> universe telling me I should focus on the astral and internal instead
They relate. The astral changes the physical and the physical changes the astral.
> Our heart reflects the world around us 
and the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and vice versa
If you understand yourself you understand the world.
Also never be "blind hope pilled". Hope is within Pandora's box. You will have to break it and see how hope manifests. But you know. That is the stuff of legends :^)