Thanks for your understanding.
> then it might be just an another illusion in this world of illusions or worse
I don't know if you agree with me here but I think all of it is an illusion, meaning that everything is impermanent, changes and is made up of energy. Everything is an illusion, only the "Spirit" is real. But would I rather sit in an illusion where I have to witness ugliness, smell cigarette and vape smoke and hear retarded npc noises all the time, or would I sit in another illusion on a golden throne surrounded by beatiful flowers with fresh air and quiet and cute spirits tending to me? There is nothing wrong to be in the more pleasant illusion imo. But yeah, you need to be hardened by the earth experience first or else you will not know what to focus on and how it is. Only after a dose of physical earth will you appreciate other stuff more. I'm not saying you have to escape forever or be trapped permanently in one world, especially since it may be all an illusion anyway. I personally don't care about "heaven" or "nirvana", but the more time progresses the more I become aware of what kind of world I want to be in. It doesn't have to be "heaven" as long as it's my personal heaven. What I like might be shitty to others so it couldn't be a heaven "objectively". 
> and we are mammals. We operate differently
Well yeah it was just meant to be a metaphor. Besides, you're human physical body is mammal, that's all. That doesn't really have anything to do with "YOU" after you start waking up and realizing your true self.