> but you can share more later
Will do
> you have to be a sunflower associate, which means passing the temple which does have a bath.
Yeah that too the bath I also did not use it yet.
But no the current problem is that "my senses" don't want to "go there". It's not a real problem it is like "not wanting to go to the grocery store alone as a child" or to a place because "it has a scary animal" or something like that. I feel that my "spirit" is partially there which means I am allowed to "go there" but my "other bodily forms" are tuning themselves. How to explain. It is like having a door that has a paper explaining HOW TO OPEN step by step but dumb people unable to notice that. So now my other parts are noticing the "step by step instructions". Like srsly when I am focusing on it black dots and other energies appear in my physical vision because energies need to reach a state because instead of the "astral body creations" I put my "skillpoints" into the "spirit body" which is like an invisible cloud of intent which is allowed to go anywhere especially to extremely surreal places because those are the ones I am working with and because your place is kinda "normal" it needs to understand that "normal". It's like telling me to go to a bar have fun and socialize. Is that easy? Sure. Do I want to do it? No wai... So this is the thing I am "solving" because I am supposed to be able to do this "effortlessly". (Says me who is literally experiencing this whole process as eating lightning through the dimensional breach... Truly effortless)

Whatever will report back later. The letter is manifesting better so I can pinpoint the correct location more easily... or I could ask Astra to show me the exact location and stop being such a tryhard... Why do I always forget that option

> feel that japanese princess and such around me
They are "related" but not the way I think "relation works". How to explain if the Shinto princess is a "Celestial" then he is like an "elemental". Ahhh and they are trying to tell me something. They gave me some basalt like rock. They told me to "eat it" because it will "ground me to their level". Guess who just got something SOLID hah...hah..ha... Carlos.jpg