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> by different "humanity"
Let's call it "evolution"
You know that we are monkeys from mainstream science BUT there are always some missing links here and there.
We just found Neanderthals in the 1800s and we still not sure how they mixed with humans and such.
In reality there are many species and subspecies and mixed human(oid)s here and there that make up "Humanity". 
There is that saying "You are what you eat". So if life had different mineral composition and that composition changed the species that consumed that life also changed with it. We usually eat "organic materials" but our body needs different minerals in small doses so if the diet change the species changes with it. Like how "current humanity" changed since the industrial revolution a lot and how we are nowadays fat with minimal effort thanks to the food we eat nowadays. Back then it was quite hard to be fat and you had less of an appetite because food just did not taste that well that you wanted to stuff yourself till you exploded. Also even archeologists found that Neolithic or some another ancient humans were taller on average than current humans even tho they were supposed to not have the technology to have enough nutrients to support that large body of theirs. Current humans are malnourished manlets and we were kinda able to solve the "malnourished" problem but we are still not in the image of our godlike ancestors. 
So it's like saying "great grandfather humanity" and "current humanity". Same but completely different in many aspects. I had to see how our internal organs had to change through the ages while doing my energetic works so I can realign my energy and flesh bodies. It's not simple and there is a reason for that.

> ...does that explain the world traveling you described as I was able to do before or no?
Sure? I don't know what you are asking here but via "resonance" your spirit will "draw you" to places that facilitated your growth. It's like having lewd dreams when your puberty starts. It happens.

> for some reason
You are reliving your "Initiation" which is one of the best part of the path. Hard to forget those. Like how wedding is supposed to be a great and unforgettable event that you will even tell your grandchildren about and  not a hassle a giant money waste and a feeling of commitment that sounds worse than being in prison. Globohomo sure as hell managed to ruin that concept but it always happens in societal decay situations... 

> don't have issues understanding "convoluted" things like this
Yeah and I am glad because once I heard your origin story I was thinking do I even want to start explaining this? I mean on this board stories like these are quite commonplace but still... Then realized because you actually "Lived" these things it will sorta feel "familiar" on a deep level.

> I need to set some time aside for Aphrodite in particular tonight
Nice. You are getting in touch with your own pathworking. You remember to walk the path on your own. This is important development.