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> Sure? I don't know what you are asking here but via "resonance" your spirit will "draw you" to places that facilitated your growth. It's like having lewd dreams when your puberty starts. It happens.

Yeah.. it was in reference to that high tech world I mentioned I got thrown in with the weird werewolf creature and such.. honestly I kind of forget what the aim/form of that question was because I had a migraine last night due to allergies so I just blurted it out without proofreading it

> Nice. You are getting in touch with your own pathworking. You remember to walk the path on your own. This is important development.
Even under that pain in the ass migraine, I did ask her about the wife/husband stuff and she said the thing as my sisters "let it happen, accept it" and some other things, one thing she said was also being reborn as a priestess/shrine maiden/whatever at some point in the future but ehhh.

> You are reliving your "Initiation" which is one of the best part of the path. Hard to forget those. Like how wedding is supposed to be a great and unforgettable event that you will even tell your grandchildren about and 
Reliving and being told that it will happen again (just not now)
> Spoiler
Yeah... I never really had thoughts about getting married even when people started talking about it with me and before everyone got clownish. Not sure if it's partly due to my sisters, the other entities and me currently being male but marriage and having kids always felt weird and off to me... But apart from reliving and then getting turned back into a woman I don't mind it. Weird stuff