I had a precognition about the event in a dream where the storm was coming and lightning bolts started spreading across the cloudy sky. I then asked my family members if everything was in the car, because we were leaving "to go home" it was implied. But we were actually home already. An unusual concept, because it felt like it wasn't safe, while the "home" out there wasn't mentioned either.

Things came crashing down during the night. Two negative forces, one after another (horns of the beast). It's now very silent, a floating feeling. Some echoes of karma are still there. 

I performed something to unite all those beings, intending to also unite the evil under one umbrella.

As a yokai will maintain itself even if Existence ends, so will these being attempt to do it, to come back later and abuse the new creation. Maybe they kept this up so far, thinking they will sometime in the future control creation itself.