Well, gender is that which engenders, creates. Creation is active + passive. Water + Fire. Yeah you have air or the hermetic but that's not really a 'third' faced of engendering. More like an in-between state, or stage of change. Tertiary to the primal active/passive dichotomy, which is reflected in pretty much every level of the microcosm. You have the ‘holy hermaphrodite’, which is more of a mythological ideal, but this is more about a balance between the active and passive, or a being capable of fulfilling both creative roles at once; a synthesis of the two things, not a third thing in and of itself. So if someone says there's a 'third gender' or as I've also heard, 'more genders than you can count' that's a pretty big claim with big implications that need to be examined closer. And personally I haven't met a single one of these people who's willing or capable of doing this. They're just co-opting an existing concept for their shallow identity labels, and it's frustrating because it degrades our ability to talk about these concepts. I mean sure, some of them are 'chill' but that doesn't really change the validity of what they're doing. If they're promoting falsehoods and nonsense, that should be questioned regardless of what their attitude about it is.