> work in cooperation with maintenance deities and what they do is a "divine art". Mining seen from the ET perspective, including the federation, is the highest form of chemistry. They do not see any distinction between inner alchemy/spirit alchemy and mining/chemistry. Blowing up rocks to gather ore, which is refined into metals, is to transform "ore spirit" into "iron spirit", "copper spirit" and so on

This is my perspective also but I have no focus on metallurgy

And now that I think about it I also had a dream like this today. It appeared as a  Stellaris game  where sometimes an advanced lategame superpowerful empire "gets bugged" and attacks you for no reason in the early game and the AI started to destroy random starbases and was wondering what is the "bug" and what do I need to do to solve it again and was this always how it behaved? 

Also about the waking up with heart racing experience I cannot say much because I had that for a while because when I go to sleep my energy field "reboots" and entities that are unable to touch me "Have chance for a moment" and I am sorta "letting it happen" so I can figure out the "moment of weakness" and the parts where I am supposed to be unconscious and how my subconscious sorta "flashboots" so the defenses can activate and kinda fixed this occurrence. Still not perfect ofc because I still don't have the perfect godtier self manifested reality super zen mindwave energy field but I need to be real foolish with my workings for these things to happen.
Some days ago when I managed to connect a stream of energy and I became one with the flow an unseen entity grabbed me and said.
> I will bring you to him
While I was wondering who he is referring to I started to think that higher entities usually either elaborate or apply the next step of the action instantly like bringing me to the place and not just hold me in place while saying something random that might be just some autopicked subconscious phrase that would make me "calm" so I got impatient that someone is just fucking with me so I flexed me energy muscles and with a spin broke free from the hold. Then I heard a painful squeeking noise and concluded that a low level critter entity might be fucking with me. Never happened again. It was a good experience how to punch the unseen and untouchable tho.  ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH 

> It took only 3 minutes. They seem to have an ability to instantly apply things explained like this, with no training after the rules were explained.
It's like a super effective hypnosis it seems. They realized everything else is inefficient because you need a pretty "clear thinking" to be able to work with "metallurgy spirits". I have minor experience with them personally but yeah it's true...
Wonder if it is related to our "welding" because they are welding for sure. 

> LEAN methodology
guess I will google it