> but a few people have... called me mommy a good amount of times and claim i give off gentle and almost motherly vibes

You mentioned this before and I had no idea what to think of it yet then managed to figure out why some people say that yesterday. Remember when I said that you got turned into a "companion soul" so you don't count as an "illegal weapon". Well it seems that ability comes from that. When I heard the term "companion soul" I thought it is like a  sentient sexbot  or something which was not that far off from the mark but there is something deeper that you have to understand by looking at how "humanity" changed through the ages. There is that term people used in the past that 
> I will make you into a woman 
which meant that making a girl experience love then taking her virginity impregnating her and turning her into a "woman" by making her into a mother. Girls are girls and not women yet. It's a coming of age thing.  As a companion soul you know that the "best companion" is a "perfect mother" that takes care of others. Am so glad you are a weeb so I can explain this easily. You are literally like an FF side-character that the main character can bring with himself to battle and can interact with him/her and acts as a support and such. Companionship is like that. You are not there because of a contract or other servitude but because you are a companion and once the "companionship mindwave" appears you give of a supportive motherly feeling.  On this board we are not exactly like companions but weird mages who are like story rich characters that explain the lore and such so it did not trigger strongly enough for me to feel it. 
So as I said in the (good ol) past women bonded better and they were first girls then women once they bonded with a mate. Today sadly (as BO mentioned before) women are in a shitty "in-between" stage where they are stuck as being whores. This is why incarnating as a woman would ruin your chances further in this timeframe of existence. Whores are not companions. They are a mere sort of entertainment for hire. They are as valuable as the money they cost and nothing more. And in todays culture the more "strong and independent" a woman says she is the less is her actual value. Strong and independent people don't scream those words every day. They are just strong and independent. The more I go on the path the less sure I am what I would call "independent" tho. That term got jewed hard again.

> that I will be "retrieved"
Asked about this from your sisters in the beginning to clarify "the process" because back then I was sus that this is just some soul abduction scheme which actually is in a way but not exactly malevolent. Managed to clarify how it works a little but my understanding is still a little incomplete because this is no easy matter.
> I have been having a strong feeling I won't be alive past 30-35 (atleast some point in there). I didn't think much of it initially (started happening about 4-6 years ago)
Remember the pic I posted here  >>/4705/
I talked with your sisters when I got the vision of the "time fluctuation mechanics" and it seems the "top" of that "red timewave" is within 3 30 or 300 years. Why I said 3 different years like they are the same thing? Well... Interdimensional time fluctuations timey whimey stuff... 
To explain better. Currently the life you are living is the "best" life for your development (Like you are able to take in concepts that are for weird reasons mainstream in anime but were talked only in extremely close knitted communities in the past. We live in an age where learning about extremely unusual concepts is a mere "hobby". This is a rare occurrence considering existence itself) So there are 2 "ways" here. You remain a mundane and die and get "retrieved" before you completely "rot" or walk the path forward and able to go to the next stage of your development with your own feet as you said  >>/5427/ here