> Who are those "few people". Your sisters are approving their advice? Because I know they were looking for "guides in the flesh" but was not sure how well it turned out.
yeah uhhh.. remember the two-three people i mentioned that they had apparently possessed? those were the ones as far as them working out... one kinda disappeared and the other i lost contact with (because of the BS with the discord accounts i talked about before). though whatever they did with the possession.. might have been a bit too strong because one kinda became a different person (i think the first had another person inside him to begin with), the other got real clingy and  and apparently got claimed by other entities or people related to my sisters i cant really remember, there was a third person but nothing really happened with them, my sisters apparently possessed during a conversation but he genuinely couldnt remember anything that we talked about and i had to screenshot the conversation to show him and he still couldnt remember. I could tell neither of the 3 individuals were lying, especially with this kind of thing in particular.