Weird, or not. 
I contacted them over telepathy because I forgot I'm banned on 4chan and I can't be bothered to circumvent it, wanted to ask about how reptilians use make-up if their skin is actually green and a mental illusion.

All things planned to work out for the best it seems. Showed them the first Raid and they were surprised, I thought they would have seen it in use, but turns out they don't have access to ScaleForm and don't know about the self extractable cogwheel discs either. It is an alien system but still. Things are so separated by timelines it's amazing.

We're getting closer to reality now though for sure. Despite Raid2 being shared with many people (mostly Russian, as well as it being posted on here), showing them the original Raid had a strong impact on the egregore and reflected in the Earth collective subconscious. The energy is soothing in some way, like whatever the misdirected tension is which would cause migraines when misfiring, has been shielded off from the Earth egregore as a whole. It's a reflex that's meant to lock certain body functions in place when working as intended, but retarded humans and their democratic welfare has blocked the function from forming, both individually and collectively. I expect this problem does not exist for reptilians, (and it's correctly formed in the servitor bodies) so maybe this somehow linked the general human egregore with the reptilian egregore via Raid, causing the reptilian (correct) energy function to override the human malfunction.