> "federation approves.

I meant what are the factions or are they a single race with centralized government or they are complicated even "up there" that there is no point talking about it. Can't get an easy answer for this from them and would need to dial up some more srs federation representative to explain it to me. Which still strains my psychic channels. Just made a breakthrough with them and resting them now a little.
Truth is the fedpolitics interests me less so if there is no easy answer to this then it's not important yet.

What I care about for a while how reptilians appear in your field of vision or what was the "trigger" for seeing them. This is something I wanted to ask for more than a year but had no idea how to ask this but now that I have experience with this I kinda want to sync up our understanding because what is native reptilian and what is a mulatto reptilian migrant is not something I can differentiate. 

Not to mention I had to realize that I see the world the same way when anime is low budget so they don't bother animating or coloring the background characters so until I accept someone as a "character" I kinda ignore them by default so for me these "NPC" distinctions are hard. This is something I am also fixing nowadays.