Seeing the green layer of the reptilian skin took me a long time, then I suddenly saw it. Native Earth reptilians are not the same as federation reptilians who stay on the astral most of the time. The astral reptilians make up 60% of the federation members as a whole, but in the physical the federation is completely dominated by furry black miner beasts and the taller red/brown desert beasts with feline characteristics. Smooth humans are a minority everywhere because they can't live on wild planets. Beasts have claws and fur, they can hunt eat raw meat, they don't need clothes. For them any technology added are a "surplus" or an addition to an already perfect state, so they consider all federation technology as a stand-alone kind of high tech, they always feel like they are at a high tech level when using it, unlike humans who demand progress and get used to it. So they can learn everything about mining and CNC systems and it's always interesting to them, they never feel a need to improve. They can move back to live in the desert anytime, they don't depend on technology to live.
This is where the "space Africans" come in, they use primitive magic of the kind we call Voodo and can travel from planet to planet using "wormholes" while still wearing the same necklaces with fangs and feathers and body paint for clothes. This is the level where humans can have a balance, anything else is very difficult outside of the federation communism, it's almost impossible for human races to sustain themselves because of how fragile they are. The upside is the ability to use black magic, humans are like hydrogen, one mistake and everything burns up violently and can't be saved.