I'll mention this because this is a work in progress, and they already agreed to perform something that may cut off any attempt at creating the NWO anywhere:

Tall greys who are behind the CyBorn research facility just started a "campaign" where selected individuals can get one free Cyborn waifu specifically tailored to themselves for the purpose of "leading everyday desires and troubles aside". The purpose of this is so that people doing important work can focus on that work while the cyborn tends to their emotional/physical needs, giving a complete support. The cyborn offered will be of the standard factory type whose soul is newly summoned from the void for the specific role and incarnated into the body. This is completely voluntary on the part of the spirit who will then receive this indestructible body for free.

The real reason behind this is likely (as always with greys) that they want research data on how this can be used. But this does not in any way retract from the value of the offer. A normal price would be 3500 silver units (standard federation value).

The large "thing" done however is sort of unrelated to this campaign as such; it means to provide every manifested being with cyborn DNA structure at a very small nano-level, which will stabilize all existences and this will make it impossible to amass karma in the way the NWO does.

Having a cyborn waifu can of course also help.