And I really fucking hate how they need "labels" for everything

> inside of the prison as the ruling class and the outside as the slaves.
The "plan" was that the jews lern2fucking work again and get shipped to madagascar where they BUILD their "Promised land" and live in seclusion instead of being leeches on every societal system they attach themselves. But the idea failed with the fall of the Nazi regime and New York jews were not about "losing their ivory palace" and the others decided to LÄRP as fucking crusaders in the middle east so good bye independent jewish nation that is GUARDED that no jews ever leaves it until the messiah comes. 
Funny thing orthodox jews know how the state of Israel is an illegitimate state. That place is supposed to be a gift of G*d and it was gifted from the Anglos. And that would make the Anglos gods... So they made sure they get destroyed along the way so they cannot claim to be the new "Pharaohs"

Also gods can "see this" but there is no point to "submerge in trash" when you know there is only trash there.