Every moment is preserved the question is how good is your connection towards the moment and how much you care about it once it passes. There are many shortcuts accessing them but you need to understand how every moment exists all at once and how they connect because if you manage to "experience" too many at once you might get a burn out. There are ways to preserve them like a dried flower is preserved or a photo of a painting and there is a way to access the memory the same way you experienced it.
But as he said
> they are meaningless

Remember the first breath you took after birth the first words you said the first steps you took as a baby? The warmth of your mother and noise within the womb and the feeling of cold once you left the womb?
These feelings were mindblowing whilst  you experienced them but they happen at every incarnation they are almost the same for every human they are the same for every human they are... meaningless.

So for easy access memories between lives the memories need to be more important/potent and relevant than the moment of birth and death.

I am working on figuring out the exact mechanics between the WE ARE ALL CONNECTED EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED truth because there is a danger when you get "stuck" between moments and you forget what you are and what are you doing again. It's a weird feeling similar to apathy or nihilism but it's not that. It's just the "moment between purposes". The moment where you "let go" of a purpose and "attach to an another". There is a minor lapse of time in that process where you have no purpose no reason to exist and no will to live.

> It seems that the "memory of language" is there but the new body doesn't have the wiring
That is also true

> which takes time and effort just the same
Yeah but once you get the "feeling" it will come naturally. Too naturally. It's a weird feeling that it's (You) but not the current (You) but some other (You) that more (You) then (You). But if that is true then who are (You).

> after death
Forget the "after death" part. Because these moments exist and any attempt of preservation will be a same as vintage photos and old VHS videos. They count as "preserved" but they are "not the same" anymore. Everything exists all at once