> Back in Roman Empire days
I skipped that. At that age I was wandering in Asia looking for my "ashes" my origin point... I was not here in the Roman days didn't even witness Alexander the Great. They called it back then the Age of conquests. I had an absolute shit attitude how the spirit world is meddling with humans and humans meddle with the spirit world and this interaction ruining both parties and no one is doing anything. The young ones didn't understand what is my problem while the old ones said this "always happens" and it is something "that will pass" and you cannot do much against it. This pissed me off. But I had to realize that I am having other problems with my own being. That was when I realized I need to "find" something. That was when I left Greece that was when I wandered Asia from the Urals to places I cannot even talk about. The whole thing is foggy. The memories literally have a different materia that have a weird feeling of completely lost purpose and a renewed feeling of necessity. It's like knowing how pointless something is but you know that YOU NEED IT. 

> There is this idea that "disclosure" will lead to a religious awakening of some kind and "all things will be exposed and people will awaken and the world will change"
Yeah I too am familiar with this right handed retardation.
> "this will happen" they would have believed surely that will make them wake up.
Yeah... Funnily though this mentality is only in "this age" back then people know that there are things only happen in "mystery cults" and beyond that there is no point. Back then education was something else and you knew what people are capable or not capable. It was obvious we didn't have this "ableism is so backwards everyone can do anything" retardation. You knew you can make people do certain things but it was common sense that retards are retards and not this they just need to be taught how special they are and they are going to change the world via consuming HRT. I am not saying people cannot change but people had common sense with these things.

> Imagine someone saying in the 90s "there will be an obviously staged terrorist attack against the WTC
Articles sometimes show up were people said something like this will happen and ofc everyone just looked funny at them and were ignored. It's the 
mentality. They forget things always change and the life they are living is not granted. Then things change and they pretend it was always this way.

> everyone will be forced to take an untested vaccine
It was always one of the most common conspiracy theory and antivaxxers were looked as actual weirdos for not wanting a vax against measles and not the only people with common sense for checking what they are getting within their body. FFS. They literally changed the definition of vaccination so it can be approved. Then changed the definition of recess... Very progressive indeed. The USA identifies as a not bankrupt country.
> because humans are humans
I would say plebs are plebs.
> That's the real state of having no atheism.
Sadly atheism does not provide an alternative it just makes them believe in an other view that is more grounded in their "reality". There were people who did not believe in gods and other things even back then. They just accepted it as "tall tales you tell children" because they never experienced it. Skeptics always existed but back then you called them "Cynics". Let's not talk about the current state of skeptics since the vax. 
> If person in church says it = it's not real 
> if propaganda on screen says it = it's real. 
Waking up my ass. There are still few that dares to ask questions.