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thumbnail of lolibooru 674886 black_headwear fur-trimmed_coat kame_(kamepan44231) kirisame_marisa one-hour_drawing_challenge scarf_over_mouth simple_background white_background.jpg
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I was working on the Earth's energy systems and found something relevant: it seems Yemen and Iran are key spots or vital for the system to function. This means anyone attacking them are attacking the entire planet. There is some ancient contract or treaty in place which states that attacks on these areas will lead to the destruction of the attacker. It will happen and the locations will be protected.

Well go figure.
Saddam Hussein lead Iraq to attack Iran. He was hanged and Iraq was destroyed. But, USA attacked Iran by proxy as they funded it. This means they will be destroyed, no exception, it doesn't matter that it takes time to destroy an empire. In a more narrow timeframe, Trump killed an Iranian general and ordered attacks on Yemen, the immediate response to this was that he was not allowed to remain in power, and the "witch hunt" against him is still going on. The evil forces provoked by attacks against these areas are ancient and fundamental, no one is getting off the hook if they commit this crime, apparently.

What is going on right now is very dangerous. A number of countries lead by USA signed a statement threatening the Houthis in Yemen. If these countries take action according to this threat, they will be destroyed. This could initiate a world war for real when the retribution is activated.

Looking back, Hillary Clinton wanted to start a war on Iran, she was not allowed to become president. This may have been the real reason. Obama signed a deal with Iran, and he held the presidency two terms in relative peace.

I don't know that this is the case, but I think it's suitable to say "don't fuck with djinn, they were here before anyone else and know how to deal with anyone".

I don't know if you're feeling it, but I do. There is a force of immense rage building up right now over this threat.
> WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and 12 allies issued what amounted to a final warning to Houthi rebels on Wednesday to cease their attacks on vessels in the Red Sea or face potential targeted military action.
This is a schoolyard bully threatening the mafia. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into.