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thumbnail of jumper cables touch.jpg
jumper cables touch jpg
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>  >Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object.
> How exactly does this work?

I will word the answer differently because it gives an important mechanical understanding. Maybe you noticed but sometimes you see minor lights/sparkles appearing within your vision after working with your third eye. First they are dark blueish then they will be pure light or other colors. That is because your third eye circuits and your visual cortex is connecting. That is the "Ignition" the first step on "enlightenment". There are many nerve and energy circuit connections within the body. I consider "real enlightenment" when you are able to connect them all properly. All positive and negative aspects in the body all the yings and yangs. Now ofc these energies has different qualities different "voltages". And these energy circuits can be stimulated via energy work different emotional/mental states and most importantly via muscle movement. Under pain and trauma your muscles tense. Not just within the body but within the brain too. Circumcision especially for babies huts so much they will be in an excruciating pain and because they have barely any "control" over their newborn body they have no choice but tense all their being until they get tired from screaming and fall asleep (I think you have seen pics posted how babies behave after circumcision. It's like they lost their will to live) That will make a faulty energetic connection within the body. And as the jumper cables touching is making sparkles that is also going to make sparkles for a very long while. You can call that a "sun object". And because this trauma happened before the baby had any control over their life over their movements this will be a hard to change energetic formation but as every "yogic improvement" that comes from outsider forces and not from a deeper understanding it is extremely low level. And because of this obvious "mark" entities that see only your "energy body" will see that you are "marked" "in his name". That extra energy output point in the body can be connected to other inderdimensional forces.
> it creates aggressiveness
Every living being that was abused while growing up is more aggressive overall. If your youth only teaches abuse you will know "the world is against you since the start" on very deep levels. That is something hard to get rid off.