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thumbnail of Our king is perfect.jpg
Our king is perfect jpg
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> bit conflicted reporting
I don't mind you reporting it nor I think the board is bothered by it but the more progress you don't mention the less sure I get from the overall picture of your development. So if your reporting is too sparse then the only person who has chance to figure out what is happening is (You)

> some kind of sewage(?) planet
There are "toxic karma dimensions". I also encountered a lot in the start. 
> perhaps it was something inherent
Toxicity creates mutation and irregular growths. The body the energies have no way to handle the growth of cells and it happens not just physically but metaphysically.
> I saw these soldieresque being fight and kill them off but I couldn't help but feel that it was a Eldritch thing going on
They usually represent the "Immune system" of a place. While I think it was an another dimension there is also places within the body that work with this logic. Think of Hataraku Saibou anime.
> felt like a weird familiarity
I have a feeling that 
> repugnant creature
is some person who had influence upon you while growing up and you "hold him dearly/in high regard" while in actuality he is a disgusting person. It doesn't feel like your mundane self.
> this man not having water inside him
Hydrate properly just to make sure btw.
> very very disgusting
I think this is the important experience here. You will have to learn to avoid "energetically disgusting" scenarios. You are drawn to them and it ruins your life. You will have to learn to avoid them. But now you will know that "it's disgusting" by instinct.

> To pic related
To my pic related? To Lancer Seibah? To the Saber that lost his "self" so (s)he can be the "purest being"? To be perfect? Which means the next step is "recovering yourself within perfection". Like how (s)he realized who (s)he is after getting Excalibur back. That is my take. Try to get in touch with your body and understand it's evolution.