>  "you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT

Yeah I am more of a Why would you do that or what is the point? Then I look for answers because I can figure out anyways. And I meta because I want to improve/streamline a lot of my thinking processes because I have a need for "elegance" while I can bruteforce everything it is just not elegant. It's rude and makes me think 
> even an animal could have done this
But results are results and you can't argue against those. This elegance is something I expect from myself as a "goal" but not as a "requirement" for me the requirement is to be effective. Everything else is just "extra". And elegance is the sign of "peak performance". Not a single thought/movement/energy wasted. Just perfection.

Also if anyone says to me 
> "you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT
I will give them an hour long lecture WHY I AM DOING THAT and if they are unable to give a better alternative I will do that. Might do some changes if their input is valuable but if they input does not come from their "heart" but it is some retarded "mainstream thinking" like "other people would not like that if you did something like this because I think others think that I heard uhhh..." then pls gtfo from my presence. What I hate when people assume what others assume and conclude sg far from truth always. But then again I have an 
> I am busy do not disturb me if it's not urgent aura 
that even spirits can sense clearly

Also my problem is not NATO itself but the fact these faggots are misusing what was effectively a DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE and arming jewkraine to protect USA interests is EXTREMELY NOT SOMETHING THE NATO WAS FOUNDED FOR. Iraq was already far fetched af and not to mention the bombing of Belgrade in the 90s but still. Not to mention how the "EU" is not supposed to be the retarded gay faggot version/vassal of the USA but a streamlined coalition so smaller countries can trade properly. 

> do things without putting labels
"labels" were supposed to be for organizing purposes and not "witchhunt callouts" as they are nowadays. It's annoying how people use labels like dogs follow commands.
You use labels but more akin to "Ingredients" so you know what is what as labels are used within the mind for fast processing.

But yeah the way terms change their meaning on the path is always bothersome especially if I learn a new word from a foreign and dead language and understand their different meanings and the culture behind that words use. 
Especially for activation words because the way my mind works I not just "say it" but comprehend it also. It's like even when babies "talk" there is an "intent" behind so while it seems gibberish it makes sense for the baby. And if the parent has a proper connection to the baby he understands it then a baby will adapt his way of expression to the parent. It's a sad state of affairs how parents and their children always lose their bond as civilizations erode.
