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Been a while since i posted maybe since 8kun nuked everything, wish i kept my mhtml archives.

I wanted to share where i am at get some others thoughts on it maybe get some advice along the way
Things have been pretty interesting.
feel like i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing, i used to see parasites and gore everywhere corpse wearing my face attacking now it's a bit better instead of shunning what i see i just eat and transmute it, i guess the corpse face like me more now too even worshiping me sometimes.
It's will battle after will battle against these things.

I now can't sleep some nights without setting up a proper barrier, i get dread feelings and something similar to "dark night of the soul" and physical symptoms (heart beating fast vision becoming more pixelated ).

It also seems like I've put limiters on myself, and by getting in a trance like state using anxious situations (like being in a busy mall) i suddenly have much more concentration and will power, creating a second body is so much easier, i just use that for hunting the corpses though, i still can't do telepathy or anything like that was thinking of using a more human version of that body to shapeshift or at least some healing.

I do have some beings helping me with healing my digestive systems as wheat seem to harm me they look like fairies in white robes, they use the left side of my brain to talk to me but considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation.

In a way i feel like I'm the successful one and that if i tried to be a normie one of these things wearing my face would have taken over but i guess they're happy i'm more serious and are ready to be absorbed there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.