> first pic
The "trick" is not to "drive yourself mad" but feel what "resonates" with the magic and tap into that force. Madness is a good inspiration at first but an unproductive chaos at the end. Once you realize which part of the "madness" makes things "click" you go into that. But I shouldn't talk about this like I am an expert because once I reached an energetic level entities noticed me and offered to guide me so my path was not "madness only". It was the case of learning to run before you learn to walk.
> i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing
That too but I can't talk about this process because I just "learned" that I can activate my energy field like it is a tornado made of primordial fire to cleanse a set of subdimensions that "make" reality so I was not really bothered much.
But I was never a patient person with low level entities so it's not like they made a "habit" of bothering me. 
> considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation
That too but "fairies" are quite dumb sometimes so if they see other entities wearing "your face" then they will think "you like that". They are masters of fulfilling some functions but they don't always have enough awareness to know wearing your face is rude. I mean in my case if anyone does that and I find out they are a "foreign entity" they will feel my energies going hostile so they usually avoid that. My internal aspects can do that tho but that is in the "illusory nature of the self" mystery which is still too complicated to talk about. But foreign entities have an easy time temporarily merging with "unused fragments" that is true.
> if i tried to be a normie
How can anyone wish for something like that. Did you not see the state of normies around you? I can somewhat PRETEND to be normieesque but becoming one? But then again that is something I was bad everytime I incarnated as a male. Only my female incarnations had a common sense and a way to "sleep through a life". They deserved to be happy with blissful ignorance. For me ignorance is a pain that gets worse the longer I ignore it.
> there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.
That feeling is on the path for a very long while.
> well like a corpse with black flesh and blood (by that i mean everything but the bones is pitch black)
Those are "low level manifesters". They are "imitating" muscles. Their only "value" is the bones themselves. I was gnashed by teeth and I dubbed them "karma beasts" and when trying to sleep I seen them eating my blood. As I was wondering if this is an initiation or a cleansing I kindly asked them that 
> Can you do it without driving up my blood pressure and letting me sleep 
Then they said
> If we drive up your blood pressure or not is not for you to decide 
Then I said fuck it and dropped them to hell then with the gnashing teeth I realized I can just "rip out their teeth" then "grind it down" and integrate it into my own bones then make that process "automatic". So to beings that need "minerals" so they can "manifest" on this plane only to eat "more astral minerals" so they can take a proper form can go and fuck themselves. With this these low level manifestors have the only chance at survival via aligning themselves to me and pledging loyalty for defensive duty. And they can "eat" other invaders for sustenance but their "quality" is upgraded so they don't count as "evil familiars" because that gives bad ideas for some entities.