I don't know what they go by, just that they are very careful in their choice of methods to make sure everyone can reach their full potential. Earlier today I took part in an "endless mass", which is a method they have created where a Russian orthodox priest can improvise a prayer and preacher session according to a principal pattern so that it keeps going and going for as long as needed to guide a breakthrough. When you feel you may be abandoned by the prayer ending, it starts anew in a new way, until you start trusting that it will work.
There is a conventional science layer to it, but it's done with such sensitivity that it doesn't matter even if you feel it. At a lower level is does feel like "advanced CIA method" but once it takes off for real it's leaving them behind by so much. It's interesting to see the connection, that it's working on the same scales, it's just that standing at the bottom of the orthodox church method is like standing in a church tower and seeing CIA somewhere down in a crypt digging up bones. It's kinda the same idea in the same area, but it's a huge difference in refinement.