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I got instantly the "cosmology" lessons because I am quite compatible with those and there were more parts of it ofc.

Like sitting around a fire with some Borscht looking thing cooking and I was kinda signed to "look into it" and as I looked into it I could feel that I should "reach into it" and as I reached into it there was a baby inside. That Borscht kinda represented the "primordial soup" or you could call it the way the body consumes food to fuel the womb and with that I was able to learn moves that reignite my "true root chakra". Because it turned out I have a distrust against my parents because they were shit parents because their parents were also shit and they also had distrust so not having a good connection with your parents is almost "inherent" in my case and that makes your connection to the "origin spirit" faulty so I kinda had to fix that and then as I felt the pain in the right side in my neck which turns out because a muscle doesn't know what it needs to do in this energy movement so it just causes tension it kinda happened...

I realized it before that the "root chakra" is represented perfectly via cosmic animal aspects and each animal resonates with a different body part. I worked with the "eternally starving beast" in the past months which was like a scrawny lion. That was the way hunger and power is balanced that I was trying to figure out because not eating resulting in energy overloads and the unstable grounding was annoying.
So yesterday as I was finished with the understanding of the "ancestral baby" I felt the pain in my neck take a new form and a Gepard (Cheetah is the english but it was not that but couldn't figure out which cat is this supposed to be exactly) appeared under the starry sky looking at it. As I noticed it it "came out" and started acting real scared/angry and the girls grabbed a large blanked to pacify it. They told me it represents my "stubbornness". Was asking them 
> isn't stubbornness represented via donkeys?
is what I got as a reply.
Because that cat was "never" tamed and that is stubbornness. It just acts angry and scared and as the girls tried to pacify it via an illusion and I was thinking what is the solution here... first I overtook it's mind but that is still not natural... The point was that "taming" is not always "overtaking the willpower" but understanding the nature of the being and adjusting it. So to tame that Gepard I had to make it "have fun" so it enjoys doing what it does instead of feeling it "obeys". With that the aspect went into my right hand and I understood how that energy being unleashed wrongly tenses the wrong muscles.

I mean I had energetic attack dogs but now it seems I have a Gepard too. It seems it resonates with agility and hand eye coordination but it is like the root's influence on the right hand and with that on the neck too as it connects.

> that they are very careful in their choice of methods to make sure everyone can reach their full potential
For you definitely. I am having a good cosmology understanding and I had already a good root understanding so this wasn't that "new" to me but for you it seems more careful approaches are needed. The orthodoxy is kinda "new" and not the same way as I do my things "naturally". Was wondering methods they used for you because all this "root training" was about having an upper body like Zangief or Boreas which is something I already worked with but I would never call the root chakra the mirror of the solar plexus. The solar plexus represents abundance/wealth and at the root chakra there is no abundance yet. There is no rich nor poor you don't even know what is what you just know you need to survive and nothing more. 
But it seems for you they focus on the "endurance" part
>  "advanced CIA method"
I don't know what exactly mean by this btw. I am not much into their "methods" because as you said their goal is to "keep retards retards" and that is not my thing so I am not exactly aware of them.