I learned to become angry in moments of fear. So it kinda jumped up the energies. Because of that I managed to develop a quite terrifying presence. If I get angry I can stare down people animals and many entities shit their pants around me. This is not something I developed this life tho. It seems it has a far older origin. You mentioned how the illumitards will bring an age of terror that will last a million years. It seems that happened before  And I lived through it.  The memories of that age are dark and seemingly made of a different materia. A weird kind of fleeting shadow. That age was "deleted" nothing was allowed to remain from there because those ages can be prevented by only making them like they never ever happened at all.

> just a numbing experience which I have to force myself through
I am doing that since my teens it's no biggie. No entity no person no event can paralyze me. It's just there are nerves that develop at a specific age and teach you how to "tense" some muscles so if you learn to tense a muscle wrong your body will adapt by counterbalancing that muscle via tensing an another muscle wrong.

I don't expect you to relate to this. You mentioned how the welfare system ruined your people and I acknowledged that as the main reason why the west sucks on many level. We don't really have that. Welfare is an "extra" you are not really going to have enough money if you have "welfare only". The government doesn't have enough money for a welfare system and because we are anti immigration we have worker shortages. There is no way you are unable to find work for a decade.

> Telling someone to "just overcome fear" is like saying: "There is no highway? Just let go of your anti-roadness and drive through the trees, moron!"
I don't see the relation between the 2 but yes? That is how bruteforcing yourself through fear works? Oh wait I forgot your country has mountains and such so going through a forest with no highway is quite impossible. But yeah getting rid of the trees are the first steps to make a way for a road. Also no to overcome your fear you should go on a highway. First via as a passenger or via other methods get a feel for it and realize how foolish it was to have that fear.

I had a fear of rotting carcasses as a kid. I think that was the first fear I overcame consciously... Maybe that was disgust? My limbs went numb noticing one back then. It bothered me how much control it had over me. So I overcame it.

> let go of your emotions
People misunderstand that. I did that for a while and people called me a psychopath/sociopath. You have to fix them because emotions are an extremely good fuel/driving force. In magic it is extremely important. 
People misunderstood the concept of emotions for a long while.
First it was let go of your emotions now everyone is overly emotional in politics and other aspects of life. People did not realize what emotions mean and how they are meant to express and feel them. Since 2020 anxiety levels are through the roof for a reason. Good thing "hard times" are the usual times for me.