A warning for what I see coming, global war is likely going to be instigated (and has been well planned in advance) to further redistribute wealth in the West and around the globe and will be used to get rid of what they consider most of us to be "useless eaters". I have no intention of fighting their wars with Russia or China or Iran (or whatever boogieman our corrupt government comes up with). However many will be duped to serve and die for their current government, and the more that do the more pensions and other public liabilities can be liquidated off the balance sheets and future budgets. That is likely how they will come about defaulting on most the national debt, including public pension funds and 401Ks, and other retirement promised. Those in the know (like myself) have already rolled over their retirement plans and savings into gold & silver IRAs and have purchased rural private property with the means to become more self-sufficient. The time to prepare for all of this was years ago when no one ever listened to "the old tin foil kooks". Best of luck ;)