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thumbnail of mfw he wants me to become a superslav.jpg
mfw he wants me to... jpg
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> When looking at the karmic process from 4D it looks like a starfish
The 5 pointed star represents the human body
> there is little reason to interfere in it in most cases
Exactly. That is how it is on the path. Compassion is the "passion of the company" so if you feel no passion towards that person then it won't even "work properly". We are all one and we need to figure out who we want to spend time with or we are letting them find their own truth first before hearing it from us. Yes we can reform everything and everyone after we did with ourself but why? Do we want to take away their source of growth? That doesn't mean we are not allowed to interfere or to help but once we make someone dependent on "handouts" then they will degenerate. Whoever wants to make others into dependent parasites are either foolish or extremely evil. 

> by playing the game from their side and just doing things right instead of wrong, the only change is to remove certain small errors instead of leaving them
Wanted to make an extremely long post after you brought up that highway thing how you can make things right by default and expecting others to teach you is sometimes pointless because many times it turns out they don't know the answers either. Growing up was realizing how no one knows anything and "adults" are just larger children and not always smarter or wiser. Wanted to explain a whole lot of social dynamics then I realized it would just sound as an angry rant and I should not bring up something that took me more than 2 decades to "fix" but stemmed from more than a century old mix of issues. The TLDR would have been that "everyone is at fault but we can do our part to fix many parts and if it's within our powers than why would we not do that"
> Their trust in their own evaluations is absolute
Yeah I am getting into their mysticism. With this there is no reason for doubt on the path.
> reform yourself into a super-slav
 I am slavic enough already. I am a weird blend of Croat that may or may not has the same roots as Tesla had and some mountain slav which migrated north then. I can access the planes Tesla might had seen and do stuff the same way as Rasputin. No reason to become more slavic. My other genetic bloodlines deserve to retain their potential also. With the girls I am finally on a proper mystic path. Found the force that counterbalances the madness so it can retain it's elegance 

> closest to the appearance i had pre doll form i think, specifically the dress
You had predoll forms too? So you met Yourself before your sisters turned you into a doll?
Whatever the blond woman probably represents your "sun-self" or Solarself representing how you are accessing and clearing the solar plexus. The power and glory that will lead you forward on the path.

The past years just proved "schizos" are always right. A proper "schizo" is not even surprised anymore but sits back and ticks out a checkbox then prepares for the next one.