thumbnail of Suomi descent.jpg
thumbnail of Suomi descent.jpg
Suomi descent jpg
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I have seen many things like this because this is how things connect on a grand scale but yours is way too specific and I am not sure if I encountered it.

> spirals of degeneration ending in destruction
So the "goal" is to fix the "leaks" I mean the mini spirals/branches forming?
> and it looks like "survival of the fittest" all the way until they reach the end of each arm where everyone will die.
You are saying then that there is the point new spirals cannot form and "that is the end?". Are these branches a "preset" thing or they form as the degeneration manifests within the person. 
What is the solution here besides avoiding degeneration which means regeneration.
> like my mind went almost completely silent from lack of background noise.
Same not to mention a bunch of my obsessive desires are just not here anymore. Like I could access your mind to find the proper answer for the starfish but the absolute desire to KNOW EVERYTHING THERE MUST BE NO THING I DON'T UNDERSTAND is just not here by default. That doesn't mean I cannot access it it's just it doesn't command me to do it without a choice. The reason I am not doing it now because the "desire" is degenerative. Not the act of knowing but that it is guided with a degenerative thirst which will taint the acquirement of knowledge. I have to get used to this because it seems this will be a key to many realizations.
> Karelians are a Finnic ethnic group
Guess we all belong to the same divine heritage then.  I should build a sauna already 
> a perfect starfish
Maybe you accessed their dimension and now you are experiencing the interaction?
Srsly what you just seen is extremely specific. I had seen the celtic symbol with the spirals in many forms but not 5 pointed and experienced many "computer generated infinitely expanding art" images too but my "crossreference this insight skill" results in nothing.