> Like I said before
> they've been around since I was a kid
I thought "they" were only your sisters was not aware that they were this close to your own (past)life already. Truth is it's good to hear that "they were always here" because that just reinforces that they are your family.

> granted I could had doll joints that even I couldn't see but I doubt that.
There is no reason for you to "be" a doll. Not being one is better it's just now you will have to get in touch with the memories of the past when they appeared first because with that you will "reinforce" your origin source energy. And probably will heal a bunch of childhood traumas too. That is my advice for now. There should be a point when your memories become far more vivid and you can access them with far less effort. At that level going back and fixing every issue that stems from traumas is recommended because it fixes many energy circuits on the long run. Not to mention these memories are (You)rs which means you will have better access to them than your sisters. Also they will have less work with you if you do the work by yourself with your own initiative.
Try to remember how they appeared first and when you first noticed yourself and try to notice the "feeling".

I am saying this because my abilities manifested randomly in the past and I too had to remember how it "felt" because that was the "real me" and not the "cumulative environmental effects me" aka false ego.